850strong – We Are Risers
Hurricane Michael Relief Effort:
All Things Panama City Beach, Fl. Facebook Group
All Things PCB Outreach 501(c)3
Donate: All Things PCB Outreach 501c3 Relief Fund
Music: Dierks Bentley
Photography:Laura Jennings Photography, Various
One month ago today, Hurricane Michael made landfall as the 3rd strongest storm to ever hit the United States. These past 30 days, I have eaten, breathed, and slept nothing but Hurricane. I’ve done and seen things that are honestly hard to put into words. I’ve learned a lot about myself, I’ve learned a lot about my neighbors, I’ve learned a lot about my community.
Because I respect copyright law, this video was actually approved by Dierks Bentley himself… Thanks to him and thanks to my friends for getting it in front of him. Pretty cool when someone like that says “That’s pretty rad dude! Of course you can use my song”
I need everyone to help get this out there, the media has stopped covering this disaster, which every relief worker I’ve talked to has said is worse than Katrina. Watch the video, share the video… it’s good, I promise.
We are still here. We are battered, not broken. We have learned what we are capable of.
We are Risers.
So honored to know you and blessed to call you friend.
I’m proud of how our communities came together to donate their time and money to help those in need. New friendships were made ❤️
You have all showed us just how resilient you all are.We may have sent supplies and help but you stood tall and rose to fight whatever cane at you.We are proud of each one of you.Love and prayers as you continue to rebuild what was taken but not lost for good. ❤❤????????.
Absolutely 850 strong… I’m so proud of my community.. neighbors helping neighbors and meeting new people that I was able to help…
Michael has devastated so many of our lives.We may have listed our possessions our homes jobs some lost there love ones but we haven’t lost our will to rebuild and I have never seen a community as strong as 850 we will build a beautiful city I know it will seem like a life time but we can and will accomplish our goal because we are Wasteland Warriors hurricane Michael survivors
Feel for you’ll have a sister there, she’s 73, husband is75 ,having to start over, ins company companies , & fema need to get busy there is no excuse for this
This was our home for 8 yrs before returning to Ga in 2017. We have so many friends and so many memories made in Panama City. My kids and I made our way back to Fla the week after Michael to donate some stuff to people in need. The pictures are nothing compared to seeing it with your own eyes. Chris Jennings, Megghan McDougall, you two are doing a great job as well as others that I can’t name. We may be in Ga, but we stand #PanamaCityStrong as my T-shirt says. Keep up the good work. You will rebuild!
Apologies if it’s a repeat… how do I follow on Instagram and what’s your hashtag?
Thank you!!